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Basic Concept for Access Specifier

Abhishek Srivasatava1731 13-Sep-2016

For accessibility in the program we need access specifier which controls whether they can be used from other code in your assembly or other assemblies.

Following are the access specifier in c# for accessibility:


The program which contain public specifier for function or class or datatype, it can be used anywhere within the program or in other assemblies also.


The program which contain private specifier for function or class or datatype, it can be used only for that class or function. It is not accessed by other class or assemblies.


The program which contain protected specifier for function or class or datatype, it can be used only for that class or function. It is not accessed by other class or assemblies. But It can be used in the derived class. 


The program which contain internal specifier for function or class or datatype, it can be used anywhere within the program. It is not accessed by other assemblies. 

Protected internal:

The program which contain Protected Internal specifier for function or class or datatype, it can be used anywhere within the program and any derived classes in the other assembly.

For example:

Program for Public Specifier:

class access


       public string Str;

       public void print()


            Console.WriteLine(" string is " + Str);




    class Program


        static void Main(string[] args)


            access sp = new access();

           Console.Write("Enter the string:");

            sp.Str = Console.ReadLine();






Program for Private Specifier

class access


        private string Str;

        public void print()


            Console.WriteLine(" string is " + Str);




    class Program


        static void Main(string[] args)


            access sp = new access();

           Console.Write("Enter the string:");

            sp.Str = Console.ReadLine(); // error will occur






Program for Protected Specifier

class access

        Protected string Str;

        public void print()


            Console.WriteLine("string is " + Str);




    class Program


        static void Main(string[] args)


            access sp = new access();

           Console.Write("Enter the string:");        

            sp.Str = Console.ReadLine(); // error will occur





Program for Internal Specifier:

 class access


        internal string Str;

        public void print()


            Console.WriteLine("String is " + Str);




    class Program


        static void Main(string[] args)


            access sp = new access();

            Console.Write("Enter the string:"); 

            sp.Str = Console.ReadLine();






Program for Protected Internal Specifier:

 class access


        protected internal string Str;

        public void print()


            Console.WriteLine("String is " + Str);




    class Program


        static void Main(string[] args)


            access sp  = new access();

            Console.Write("Enter the string  ");

            sp.Str = Console.ReadLine();





Updated 16-Mar-2018

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